
In this section, we discuss the feos-core crate. We will learn how equations of state are abstracted using traits, how generalized (hyper-) dual numbers are utilized and how thermodynamic states and phase equilibria are defined.


To setup your workspace, fork the feos github repository and from that clone the fork.

To build the Rust library, switch to the feos-core crate

cd feos-core

and type:

cargo build

Important crates

feos-core depends on a number of other important crates. Most notably, we use

  • quantity: for scalar and vector valued dimensioned quantities. Those are used in almost all user-facing interfaces.

  • num-dual: for generalized (hyper-) dual numbers. These data types are very important because we use them to be able to compute partial, higher-order derivatives of the Helmholtz energy without needing to implement them analytically.

  • ndarray: for multidimensional arrays. We use these when mathematical operations are performed on arrays. They are a central data structure for feos-dft.

  • pyo3: for the Python interface. All interfaces to Python are written in pure Rust using PyO3. It’s awesome.