# Stability and critical points
The implementation of critical points in $\text{FeO}_\text{s}$ follows the algorithm by [Michelsen and Mollerup](https://tie-tech.com/new-book-release/). A necessary condition for stability is the positive-definiteness of the quadratic form ([Heidemann and Khalil 1980](https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.690260510))
$$\sum_{ij}\left(\frac{\partial^2 A}{\partial N_i\partial N_j}\right)_{T,V}\Delta N_i\Delta N_j$$
The **spinodal** or limit of stability consists of the points for which the quadratic form is positive semi-definite. Following Michelsen and Mollerup, the matrix $M$ can be defined as
$$M_{ij}=\sqrt{z_iz_j}\left(\frac{\partial^2\beta A}{\partial N_i\partial N_j}\right)$$
with the molar compositon $z_i$. Further, the variable $s$ is introduced that acts on the mole numbers $N_i$ via
with $u_i$ the elements of the eigenvector of $M$ corresponding to the smallest eigenvector $\lambda_1$. Then, the limit of stability can be expressed as
$$c_1=\left.\frac{\partial^2\beta A}{\partial s^2}\right|_{s=0}=\sum_{ij}u_iu_jM_{ij}=\lambda_1=0$$
A **critical point** is defined as a stable point on the limit of stability. This leads to the second criticality condition
$$c_2=\left.\frac{\partial^3\beta A}{\partial s^3}\right|_{s=0}=0$$
The derivatives of the Helmholtz energy can be calculated efficiently in a single evaluation using [generalized hyper-dual numbers](https://doi.org/10.3389/fceng.2021.758090). The following methods of `State` are available to determine spinodal or critical points for different specifications: